Tuesday, December 22, 2009

This is what I'm hearing:
"Whom Shall I send?" "Send your warriors L-rd."

This is what the L-rd has given me to tell to the people:

"And I will release pestilence across the land. And it will devour my people who have not heard my voice or listened to my commands. There will be a great falling away."

I waited until I got three confirmations before I posted this. I also hope for a great revival--such as one never seen before. The L-rd told me a while back that this is coming, and I'm hoping that the time for this will be soon. However, He has not spoken that to me. I have heard that He has given that to His prophets. I pray the time is near. Yeshua is coming soon.

1 comment:

  1. Yeshua is the Hebrew name for Jesus. The name Jesus comes to us from the Greek. The New Testament is written in Greek, and the Hebrew name Yeshua is translated into English as Jesus from the Greek. Yeshua/Jesus was from the Jewish royal Davidic line.
